About us
The Migration Museum Project emerged in the wake of the publication of an independent research report, funded by the Baring Foundation, into the representation of migration within existing institutions. This research was undertaken by Dr Mary Stevens,and her findings, together with an associated report making a case for a national Migration Museum can be downloaded here: A Moving Story and Stories Old and New.
Following the publication of this research, the Migration Museum Project secured the support of a galaxy of distinguished friends (now numbering over 100), and expanded its working group to encompass individuals with a diverse range of experience and expertise, who share a passion for telling the migration story of Britain in a dedicated national museum. Many original members of the working group now sit on the Migration Museum Project’s committee as trustees. We have also brought together an Education Committee from a range of relevant backgrounds who support our learning work.
Since 2012, the Migration Museum Project has received funding from a range of generous funders – among them, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Metropolitan Migration Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Kohn Foundation, PWC, Artistic Endeavours Trust, Alfred Caplin Charity Settlement, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Nadir Dinshaw Chariatable Trust, Hogan Lovells, Londonewcastle, and Arts Council England. Among other things, this funding has enabled the Project to appoint a director, a team of five part time staff, and as well as contribute towards many of our events, exhibitions, education work, and projects. We have developed many exciting and productive partnerships that have contributed towards establishing our presence in the sector, hosting exhibitions across the UK, running successful programmes of events, and creating an education programme that enshrines migration in the curriculum. Together, these will contribute to the public debate, opening up constructive discussions about national identity, immigration and emigration, outside of the polarising media and political sphere.
In our above brochure you will find a detailed account of what we have achieved in the first four years of our existence and our plans for the future. The website contains a record of all the events, activities and exhibitions that we have organised so far. You will also find opportunities to get involved with and contribute to our work, provide feedback on what we are doing, and to support us in our aims.