24 January, 2024
This video uses portraits to tell the stories of some of the people who have migrated to Britain throughout history. We discover their stories and the impact they have made. We consider some of the reasons why people migrate, and how migration shapes our everyday lives.
17 August, 2023
Create your own migration story discs using our templates.
4 July, 2023
This school resource was designed for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 students and was inspired by the stories in the Migration Museum’s exhibition Heart of the Nation: Migration and the Making of the NHS.
Since the NHS started 75 years ago, migration has always been central to our national health service. Without workers from all around the world, as doctors, nurses, porters and cleaners, the NHS would not be able to function. This school resource explores four illustrated stories of real NHS workers who migrated to Britain; how and why they came to Britain and the challenges and opportunities they faced when getting here.
This resource was designed and illustrated by Jess Nash: www.jessnash.co.uk
10 September, 2020
It can be a struggle to answer the inevitable question: ‘Where are you from?’ when you’re not quite sure. A young woman of mixed heritage searches for an answer by looking back over three generations of her family. Documents, family stories and of course the British staple of tea and biscuits help her figure out a way to reply.
A personal look at questions of identity, at a time where migration, political isolation and reclaiming history are hot topics. Is it important to look to your own past in order to better respond to wider issues present today?