100 Images of Migration gallery
An eastern European woman passes UKIP posters on West Street in Boston, Lincolnshire. Renamed by locals as ‘East Street’, this busy shopping area caters to the large eastern European communities in the town, most of whom work in the agriculture, horticulture or service sectors, including those catering to their own communities’ needs. Read more
The Moss family on the porch of their house in Kingston, Jamaica: Dirrell and Vera Moss with Carmen (9), Erroll (7) Lorna (5), Elaine (2) and Annette (3). The family was planning to emigrate to England, where Mr Moss, a printer by trade, would have heard about job opportunities, and where they hoped to begin… Read more
I left Afghanistan because the situation wasn’t good. The main reason was the war and the Taliban. People had to leave because of the problem, the politics thing. It’s not very easy to leave. The first thing is you don’t want to leave your country but if the situation comes to you, you have to… Read more
The central figure is my paternal grandfather, Max Seletsky, came to the UK from Gombin in Poland with my grandmother Sarah in about 1903. All the lace and crochet work in the window was made by her in the back room of their Bethnal Green haberdashery. She had started work in Poland at the age… Read more