Workshops at our Call me by my name exhibition

Our recent exhibition on the current refugee crisis proved an excellent backdrop for a series of half-day workshops with 10 schools from Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Essex, Kent and Brent. Read more
Our recent exhibition on the current refugee crisis proved an excellent backdrop for a series of half-day workshops with 10 schools from Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Essex, Kent and Brent. Read more
We created some education resources to accompany our Germans in Britain exhibition, primarily for Modern Foreign Languages teachers. Read more
I was invited to work with 15 pupils from Seoul, South Korea who were over in the UK on a study trip. This was organised in conjunction with Spread-i. The session went well and the pupils were very engaged and patient with everything in translation. They had many challenging and… Read more
See this research we have done about where migration related themes emerge or continue in the revised national curriculum that is being phased in. Please send us your comments and feedback using the form on the right hand side of the page. MMP Revised national curriculum digest Read more