The Observer – On My Radar: Bart Layton’s Cultural Highlights (30/12/2018)
Our Room to Breathe exhibition was selected as a cultural highlight by award-winning film maker Bart Layton in the Observer.
Our Room to Breathe exhibition was selected as a cultural highlight by award-winning film maker Bart Layton in the Observer.
“While policies have short-term impact, migration is a human story. People have for thousands of years arrived at and departed these shores. Migration is an integral part of who we are. Our museum and our new exhibition is an important step in recognising this.” – Our chair Barbara Roche writing in the Evening Standard in response to the latest migration statistics.
Wizz Air’s in-flight magazine featured our Room to Breathe exhibition in ‘The Insider’ section of its December–January 2019 issue.
“South London’s Migration Museum explores the experiences of generations of new arrivals in Britain through the Room to Breathe exhibition. Syrian artist Dima Karout is one of the artists in residence at the exhibition whose work is on display in the art studio.”