
Reopening: what we’re doing to keep you safe

The Migration Museum is reopening four days a week from 3 December: Thursdays–Sundays, from 11am–5pm.

Measures we are taking to keep visitors, volunteers and staff safe

We have adapted our museum to meet Covid-secure guidelines to ensure the safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff at all times.

We’ll still be offering you the same warm welcome and space to explore and reflect on themes that go to the heart of urgent conversations around migration, identity, race and belonging. But like so many other aspects of our lives right now, we’ll be doing things a little bit differently:

  • We have redesigned our space to ensure that social distancing can be maintained at all times, in compliance with Covid-secure guidelines.
  • We have installed multiple hand-sanitiser stations and will be encouraging all visitors to make use of them.
  • We will be conducting regular disinfecting and cleaning of all public areas and equipment.
  • All staff and volunteers will be wearing masks and, in line with new guidelines, we will be requiring all visitors to wear masks at all times too unless they have an exemption from doing so.
  • Advance booking is not required. However, we may need to restrict the number of visitors in our museum and our exhibitions at any time in order to ensure that social distancing can be maintained at all times. This may mean a short wait before being admitted during busy times. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • All visitors to our exhibitions will be required to leave their details in line with Track and Trace requirements.
  • Please adhere to the regulations in line with the Tier 2 restrictions currently in place in London, meaning: please only visit with people in your own household or support bubble, up to a maximum of six visitors in total per group. Please keep socially distanced from visitors from any other household or support bubble throughout the duration of your visit.
  • Where possible, please walk or cycle and avoid using public transport when visiting us, especially during peak hours.
  • In order to ensure a safe and socially distanced environment for visitors, we regret that we will not be able to accommodate in-person group or education visits for the remainder of the year. We hope to start welcoming group and education visits again in 2021, in line with government and public health guidance. In the meantime, if you would like to enquire about online education workshops, please email
  • We have made the difficult decision not to reopen our Room to Breathe exhibition for the time being due to the enclosed layout and the highly interactive nature of this exhibition. We are continuing to explore ways of adapting Room to Breathe to enable us to reopen it in some form soon.

We thank you for your cooperation in following these new requirements to help us to keep each other safe and our museum open.

Become a Trustee of the Migration Museum

*** Please note that the application deadline has now passed ***

The Migration Museum is looking for Trustees to challenge, inspire and lead us as we move to the next level in delivering a high profile new landmark cultural institution for the UK.

We seek outstanding guidance in the fields of cultural leadership, public engagement, migration education, fundraising, venue development and digital innovation. But we are also seeking people who have other skills and broader experiences and will sharpen our thinking and bring new and diverse talent to the table.

Above all we seek individuals who, like us, believe that a permanent Migration Museum for Britain is necessary and long overdue and have the passion and commitment to champion our cause and bring this exciting project to fruition.

The deadline for applications is Monday 3 May 2021.

We’ve put together a Trustee recruitment pack with more information and details on how to apply. 

Download and view our Trustee recruitment pack here