3 May, 2023
The Migration Museum in Lewisham is exhibiting a new installation by multi-disciplinary artist, Evewright, as part of Windrush 75th anniversary celebrations.
3 May, 2023
Artist EVEWRIGHT was a guest on the Robert Elms show talking about his new installation Lewisham: About Face, on display at the Migration Museum.
3 May, 2023
The ongoing row over the government’s Illegal Immigration Bill has generated a lot of headlines but precious little reflection. How well do we understand our history of migration, and the country’s treatment of those coming to these shores? A museum dedicated to that story might have the answer.
3 May, 2023
Corriere Della Sera’s editor-in-chief Beppe Severgnini on visiting the Migration Museum and our Taking Care of Business exhibition (in Italian).