31 October, 2017
An interview with Angélica Dass, whose Humanae project forms part of our No Turning Back: Seven Migration Moments that Changed Britain exhibition.
31 October, 2017
‘Amid uncertainty about the movement of people to and from the UK following the EU referendum, an exhibition presents pivotal moments in the nation’s migration history.’
31 October, 2017
‘Desde el pasado mes de abril, el barrio de Lambeth acoge el primer Museo de las Migraciones en el Reino Unido. El Museo de las Migraciones de Londres invita a humanizar el relato sobre los migrantes más allá de la escena política y mediática actual.’
31 October, 2017
‘What’s often overlooked is the reality of the migrant experience, steeped in ordinariness, and the cultural contributions that different diaspora groups have brought to the U.K. It’s this subject that the first exhibition by the Migration Museum, titled ‘100 Images of Migration’, seeks to show, especially in a post-Brexit country.