We conducted three workshops with the whole of Year 9 at Langley Academy, Slough on Tuesday, 13 October. It was great to be invited back to contribute to Langley Academy’s Internationalism themed week and build on foundations laid down with this year group in October last year. This year we got to grips with migration related keywords and their definitions as they crop up so frequently in the press at the moment. We also used disks from the Southbank’s Adopting Britain exhibition to create a display of the pupil’s migration stories that will remain on show in the school atrium for all to see this week.
This 8-minute introduction to International Migration gives an overview of the history of migration, keywords and push and pull factors in the context of the European Union. Recommended as a starter activity in lessons or as part of a unit about migration in Geography/History/Citizenship.
From Joern Barkemeyer and Jan Kuenzl
Click here for more information about the project WissensWerte
What if the most powerful objects, with the most moving stories attached, are not in museum collections but hidden away in people’s homes? We are exploring this exciting idea through our Keepsakes project. Working closely with community groups across London, we are collecting stories of personal items that speak about migration and identity. Our current exhibit at Southwark Council at 160 Tooley Street was created in collaboration with RefugeeYouth, Southwark Latin American Elders Group, Southwark Cyprus Turkish Association and the Pepper Pot Club.
For the next stage in our Keepsakes project, we are hosting workshops with the Prime Time (over 55s) and ESOL groups at the Idea Store, Whitechapel to create an exhibition in the library’s gallery space. The exhibition will take place from April until the end of May 2016. Follow us on Twitter at #KeepsakesMMP for updates on the project.
We recently facilitated a Keepsakes workshop with RefugeeYouth and Fotosynthesis as part of the Refuge in Film Festival at BFI. Participants brought objects that held special meaning for them and shared their stories, eventually curating an impromptu wall exhibition around themes of migration and memory.
Find out more about our Keepsakes exhibition here.