Teaching Migration
Young people are growing up in a world where they are facing issues about which there are increasingly polarised opinions. Schools are a key environment within which these issues can be explored, and teachers need to have the skill and confidence to support their pupils in this. Themes related to migration are often seen as controversial, particularly while immigration remains such a hot topic in party politics.
We aim to help and support teachers when teaching about migration, to ensure you and your pupils get the most out of exploring these themes.
Advice for teachers
We’ve created a short document summarising where migration related themes are found in the revised curriculum now being taught in maintained schools. We hope it will help you as you plan within these subjects. We also recommend the site Moving Here and this free 15 page pack produced by Oxfam on why and how to teach controversial issues offers comprehensive advice.
The Citizenship Foundation have compiled 10 helpful top tips for working with non-teaching professionals as visitors in the classroom.
If you have good advice to share from your teaching on migration, or feel you would like some support, please contact our Education Manager, Liberty Melly on liberty@migrationmuseum.org.
Migration Museum CPD and Teacher Training
Since 2013 the Migration Museum have worked with hundreds of teachers, lecturers, trainees and educators to explore how to incorporate migration teaching into their learning environment, through a series of CPD sessions. If you would like to find out more about our teacher training opportunities, please contact our Education Manager, Liberty Melly on liberty@migrationmuseum.org. We are always open to new ways of reaching teachers and those training in the profession.
Education funders